Entièrement enseigné en anglais, le parcours Global Business s’adresse aux étudiants qui recherchent une formation à forte dimension internationale les rendant polyvalents et compétitifs sur la scène mondiale.
Prochaine rentrée
Septembre 2024
Pourquoi choisir le parcours Global Business ?
Dispensé successivement sur 3 continents, le parcours Global Business s’adresse aux étudiants ayant le souhait de suivre leur scolarité intégralement en anglais dans un environnement multiculturel. Ils alternent périodes de cours et stages longs, afin de comprendre les enjeux de la mondialisation et de se préparer à une carrière internationale dans un monde globalisé. La première année est enseignée sur le campus de l'EDHEC Business School à Nice, puis les étudiants partiront à UCLA Extension à Los Angeles et enfin, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) à Singapour.
Les étudiants recevront outre leur diplôme EDHEC International BBA un certificat de la part des écoles partenaires, après y avoir vécu une véritable expérience interculturelle sur des campus World class.
Attention : le nombre de places pour le parcours Global Business est limité.
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Campus Nanyang |
Aperçu du parcours
Diplôme : Bac+4 visé par l'État
Accréditations : EQUIS, AACSB, visé Bac+4 par le Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale Français
Campus : Nice - Los Angeles - Singapour
Langue : Anglais
Possibilité d'alternance : Non
Déroulé du programme
Année 1 | S1 | NICE Fondamentaux de l'entreprise Business Economics, Marketing, Finance, Business Law, Business Communication, Geopolitics, etc. |
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S2 | ||||||||||
Summer |
Année 2 | S3 | LOS ANGELES International Trade and Commerce, UCLA Extension |
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S4 | ||||||||||
Année 3 | S5 | STAGE DE 4 À 6 MOIS (France ou étranger) | ||||||||
S6 | SINGAPOUR International Management, NTU |
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Année 4 | S7 | |||||||||
S8 | STAGE LONG DE 6 MOIS (France ou étranger) | |||||||||
*Une demande de visa peut être obligatoire selon les pays.
Liste des cours
Les étudiants apprennent, au travers d'enseignements en anglais, les fondamentaux du management de l'entreprise, les bases de l'économie, de la comptabilité, du droit et du marketing tout en découvrant la pédagogie par l'action au travers de business games, projets d'entreprises et challenges similaires.
Avec 110 ans d'histoire, l'EDHEC Business School fait partie des meilleures écoles de commerce en Europe. Elle est internationalement reconnue autant pour l'impact de sa pédagogie et de sa recherche que pour ses synergies avec le monde professionnel.

(L'Étudiant 2021)
(Le Point 2022)
(Financial Times European Business School Rankings 2022)
Cours principaux – Fondamentaux de l’entreprise
- Accounting for managers
- Business Economics
- Principles of finance
- Financial Statement Analysis and Investment decision
- Business Law
- Geopolitics
- Organisational behaviour & team management
- Business communication and society
- Principles of marketing
- Business games, team projects
- Language courses
À UCLA Extension, les étudiants suivent les cours de la spécialisation «International Trade and Commerce», en compagnie d’étudiants internationaux. Ils ont aussi accès à un large choix de cours électifs et bénéficient de l’ensemble des infrastructures du campus de UCLA, à Los Angeles. A l’issue de cette année, ils reçoivent un certificat «International Trade and Commerce» lors d’une Graduation Ceremony, et intègrent ainsi l’association UCLA Alumni.
Los Angeles
UCLA Extension est la branche de formation continue de UCLA : elle offre plus de 40 programmes certifiants à plus de 3 500 étudiants internationaux. Le campus de UCLA est idéalement situé entre les quartiers réputés de Beverly Hills, Bel Air et Westwood village. Fondée en 1917, UCLA Extension compte de nombreux alumni célèbres tels que James Franco, Marilyn Monroe ou encore Arnold Schwarzenegger.

(Shanghai Jiao Tong 2019 academic rankings)
(Times Higher Education 2019)
Cours obligatoires
- Fundamentals of International Trade
- Global Marketing and Strategy
- International Accounting
- International Business Management
- Law in International Business
- International Business Policies and Strategies
- Leadership Communication Strategies
- Business Ethics
3 électifs à choisir parmi
- Advertising Principles and Practices
- International Human Resources Management
- Doing Business in the U.S.
- International Investing
- Global Business Practices in Sustainability
- Creating a New Business
- Introduction to International Real Estate Markets and Investments
- Advanced Managerial Finance
- Global Currency Management
Projets et activités
- Orientation week on UCLA campus
- Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator visit: The LACI is an incubator where start-ups aim to fight climate change and develop the local green economy
- Pitch sessions in partnership with a start-up accelerator in Los Angeles
- Business tours: company tours like Google in Los Angeles area
- Coding club: develop an app, learn to use Python, Flutter, SQL, to boost your ideas
- Sports: EDHEC students take part in UCLA's sports clubs and activities (tennis, fencing, climbing, rowing, athletics, etc.)
- Student clubs: UNICEF at UCLA, American Red Cross, The Surfrider Foundation, Bruin Hope, Model United Nations, and much more
For 100 years, UCLA Extension has been educating students to be successful. We are very proud of our innovative collaboration with EDHEC Business School. Each year, we welcome very bright and enthusiastic students to our campus. We are all excited for the EDHEC International BBA students to join the UCLA family and be able to provide them with the tools and access to move closer to accomplishing their goals. The next year of their lives will be filled with competency-based learning paired with projects, teamwork and invention. The other students in their classes and instructors will gain just as much from the experience and develop lasting networks that go beyond borders.
I have no doubt that when the students graduate from our International Trade and Commerce program and become members of the UCLA Alumni Association, they will complete the remainder of their EDHEC degree with vigour and go out into the world ready for the challenges of the new economy. These graduates will be highly differentiated from their peers with a well-rounded, unique, academic experience from two great brands.

Director, Custom Programs & Corporate Education, UCLA Extension
À Nanyang Technological University (NTU), les étudiants de l’EDHEC International BBA suivent les cours enseignés par un corps professoral de haut niveau affilié au MBA et à l’Executive Education. Ils bénéficient de l’ensemble des infrastructures du campus de NTU : complexe sportif, mais aussi associations étudiantes, plusieurs food courts... À l’issue de cette année, ils reçoivent un certificat « International Management » lors d’une Graduation Ceremony et intègrent ainsi l’association NTU Alumni.
Studying at NTU in Singapore (1/2) - BBA Global Business | EDHEC Business School
My name is Sasha Chernyshenko.
Olexander Chernyshenko, PhD
Associate Dean of Executive Education
Associate Professor in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources Management
Nanyang Business School
So currently I'm associate Dean for Executive Education. To be world-ranked you need to be comprehensive, so what they did was they added additional schools: biological science, social science and medical school and now we are just this full comprehensive university of 34,000 students. Of course Nanyang Business school benefits from overall being inside of a comprehensive university.
Dattatreya Allampalli, PhD
Operations Director
Executive Education
Nanyang Business School
In line with the design of the EDHEC Global BBA program the stint in France or at the EDHEC Business School was to lay the foundation for business courses and also some of the language courses that the students would take. When they moved to the UCLA Extension they took some of the advanced courses in international business, entrepreneurship and innovation, so what was needed as per the leadership team of EDHEC was the finance courses, and thereafter, you know to prepare them for international roles and career, was a new course in the international marketing and international business.
Julien Cayla, PhD
Faculty DIrector
Bachelor Thesis Mentor
Nanyang Business School
I think the particularity of this program is that it’s global from the outset so it's a global BBA that is designed for students to gain a very global experience and we're also lucky to have you know students who themselves often are very global. You know I'm very surprised and enthusiastic about the profile of our students who often speak you know several languages, so I would say it is for students who are global in terms of their aspirations or maybe sometimes already global in terms of their experience and the program is designed you know to amplify that global experience by giving the exposure to the European market, by being in France but also the American market and here in Singapore I guess it's that's the perfect place and platform to learn more about Asia and the specificities of doing business in this region. I mean Singapore is probably one of the most innovative cities in in Asia and super well connected
Alexis De Pampelonne
4th year student, GLobal Business Track
EDHEC International BBA
NTU’s campus from what I've seen in France and living in Singapore before, it's really one of its kind so it's at the same time vast but as well full. I mean honestly there's like multiple libraries, there's two food halls, there's shops, banks and even two giant screens that are forecasting sports and on some nights films. So it's a very lively campus and that has pretty much everything to offer.
Reena Liljestam
4th year student, GLobal Business Track
EDHEC International BBA
There are two major sports facilities on campus: one is more for the athletes and there's another one that's available for all students. There's a swimming pool, a football field and I think there's a running field as well so you have the
opportunity to go there to exercise in your free time. As you can see behind me there are pretty vast spaces where a lot of students study, so sometimes I like studying outdoors. Also there's the hive where there are pretty big areas where we can sit in groups for group projects and I find that pretty much anywhere you can study on campus which is pretty nice.
Alexis De Pampelonne
In NTU there's a lot of students from Asia which is very
interesting because if you know Singapore is just a hub there's people
from across the world so it's sure that here are going to meet a lot of people and much more people from Asia and from the few people's I've interacted with so far it's very interesting to see how you can again see a new culture and this one is very different from what we see in Europe or in United States; and it is very asian in this way which is interesting.
Joanna Adriano
4th year student, GLobal Business Track
EDHEC International BBA
Here we still have good projects but we have to work more during classes which is a bit more intensive when it comes to their learning experience but
we're learning differently in different places so it's great. I am taking three
classes and a seminar. So the first class is “investment analysis and portfolio management” and my professor is Charlie Charoenwong and he's teaching us a lot
about Excel and he also shows us a lot of theories and then apply it on Excel; so we have lectures and also tutorials on how to do a on Excel, and with him we had two projects: so first one was about the cost of capital and now we're more focusing on investments on the second project, and finals are coming soon.
Charlie Charoenwong, PhD
Associate Professor of Finance
Director of MSc in Financial Engineering
Nanyang Business School
My name is Charlie Charoenwong, I have a first degree in mechanical engineering, before I went to the States to get my MBA and a PhD in finance. In “investment analysis” the course is a basic investment to project evaluation, to company evaluation. That involves the careful estimation of the cost of capitals
estimation together with the risk assessment for the project. They are planning the forecast on investment in the financial asset, we forecast on equity
so, how the manager investment fund, how you find the portfolios, how to make an allocation, how to achieve the risk and performance trade-off, together with some financial derivatives that we can enhance in investment.
Joanna Adriano
My second class is “International Finance” with Dr. Siriwan. We learn a lot about international finance and also the world, how we manage for example to do capital budgeting within companies. It's very interesting because we have this project about a crisis and we have to analyse it but also we learn a lot about theories on finance and how it works in real life; so it's very theoretical but we also have a lot of applications and exercises to apply those.
Siriwan Chutikamoltham, PHD
Senior Lecturer of International Finance,
Academic Director (MBA)
Nanyang Business School
My name is Dr. Siriwan Chutikamoltham. should he come on time teaching after I received my doctorate from the Harvard Business School. For the EDHEC
program I teach international finance. It is about managing the finances of multinational companies. So this course we talk about what managers of a multinational that has business with many many countries would have to worry about. And a lot of it is about managing risks.
Arvinth Jayaprakash
4th year student, Global Business Track
EDHEC International BBA
Digital marketing is the class that I absolutely love. It's the elective that I chose, we have a professor called Vijay Sethi. He was recognized as one of the best professors in his field a few years ago. His method is very very particular, I've never had that kind of professor and it's very good. We do have business cases as normal marketing classes but he is able to combine both his critical point of view as well as the resources that we have to learn from the cases. So it's very useful especially as an international student because we are able to study big agencies abroad about how they interact with the different shareholders, how they are able to maximise the profit and how they grow their business in general so it's very very interesting.
Vijay Sethi, PhD
Professor of Digital Marketing
Awarded “World’s best professor” by the Economist (2013)
Nanyang Business School
My name is Professor Vijay Sethi. I'm a professor in the Nanyang Business School in the Department of IT and operations management. My background and experience is a PhD in information systems which I got from the US, then we moved here to Singapore and I've been here almost for about 25 years. Before that, I started off as an undergraduate in chemical engineering and then an MBA from the United States. The biggest award that I got was being named the business professor of the Year, this was by the EIU in London, this was a few years ago. The class that I teach is digital marketing and I teach two things: one is the digital part, how does the digital world evolve and what technology is all about. My teaching style is all discussion-oriented. I teach only through case studies mainly, and every time we have discussions in the class on cases. Also, the students have to go out and research industries and they do presentations in the class and they've been absolutely wonderful in that particular part.
Arvinth Jayaprakash
At the end we have cultural intelligence, it's a super fun class that is the only class that we have with local students here in Singapore, we're in class with everyone. It's very interesting in terms of teaching method as well because we always have an activity, a fun activity to do. We interact a lot with the professor, we're able to participate a lot, we do have a specific Facebook group, so we could post every week about different cultural things that we have learned from Singapore, or different things that we could brought for the class such as like what we have learned like in France or in the US. It is very enriching and I think the students are the one who bring the most in the classes and the teacher just guides us and it's very very nice.
So the bachelor thesis is a one-year project. It's the end of our curriculum project. We do have to work with a company about the marketing strategy of it, so we have to prospect different companies in order to see if they have a specific topic in mind in order for us to actually help them with a student view and the perception that we have as recent graduates or current students.
The mentors, at the very beginning we had a few of them, so we were actually able to choose which mentor we wanted to. So we have different profiles, different backgrounds and according to the project we have to choose them.
Joanna Adriano
My mentor is Julian Kala and he helps us every week. So usually we have meetings every week on Wednesday to report to him the progress of our research and we meet up with the company as well. His role as a mentor is really to help us focus on how to do the analysis for example give a suggestion and also be our contact when it comes to knowing what to do and also how to write the report for example and how to approach the company. It's very interesting and very helpful to have a veteran like him.
Vijay Sethi, PhD
You can be studying global material sitting in any country but it doesn't give you a perspective of what the world is all about.
Siriwan Chutikamoltham, PHD
Having opportunities to travel means a lot and do take these opportunities whenever one can.
Vijay Sethi, PhD
It puts them a step ahead of many many others who might not have had the same kind of a global platform which I think your schools provide through learning here and studying here in NTU and also the other travel that they do.
Siriwan Chutikamoltham, PHD
Utilising the opportunity, I think that would be a very very beneficial particularly for young young students to have a head start in understanding the world around them at such a young age.
Hugo Di Fazio
4th year student, Global Business Track
EDHEC International BBA
The Asian culture is a lot more different from what we experienced in the US and in France
Nanthida Kaewradee
4th year student, Global Business Track
EDHEC International BBA
It's a very clean City. It's one of the cleanest cities I have been to. People are very nice. They are pretty slow walkers which is kind of frustrating but when you come to Singapore the heat is so hot here that you understand why they walk pretty slowly.
Hugo Di Fazio
The climate is obviously a little bit humid but then you find that sort of harmony between that green part, that green that is also integrated in the different skyscrapers that you can find everywhere in the city and the most impressive one around downtown and then all the traditional part that comes to the Asian culture.
Nanthida Kaewradee
It's very modern, there's a lot of buildings, you have this central city downtown of Singapore but you also have this countryside aspect with forest and a lot of greenery which was very surprising because Singapore is a city, it's a hub and it's also nice to have this calm aspect.
Hugo Di Fazio
Singapore is a very Green City. We had a lot of parks everywhere and this is actually astonishing. You have water absolutely everywhere, the place where you first go is the Marina Bay Sands which is this enormous hotel that is very emblematic in Singapore. What is very good in Singapore is that you have a lot of rooftops, rooftop bars which is actually enjoyable if you want to meet friends there and drink a cocktail or something like that.
Nanthida Kaewradee
There's also gardens by the bay, it looks like you were from the movie Avatar. You have a botanic garden, the Chinese garden with the greenery side of Singapore.
Hugo Di Fazio
Then you have different emblematic places such as Orchard Road which is like the Champs Elysées of Singapore. There are basically a lot of food courts, traditional food courts where the food is made by hand, and it's very traditional.So this is really a big contrast between this legacy of th eAsian culture and the booming growth of all these Asian countries such as Singapore.
Charlotte Vincent
4th year student, Global Business Track
EDHEC International BBA
I found my apartment through which is a link given by NTU to a deck. So I was contacted by my now landlord and roommates and I found my apartment it's ten minutes away from campus which is really practical because it's really near everything including the MRT, the metro network of Singapore, all the buses. I have the bus that takes me straight to campus. Life in Singapore is slightly expensive, it depends on where you are, but because all the neighbourhoods are around NTU, including Pioneer, Boon Lay, Jurong West, it's a lot of very friendly-family neighbourhoods because you have a lot of primary and secondary schools. There are a lot of families with rather young kids so it's really friendly, it's really safe, all the condo have a private security so nobody can enter the condo without being allowed to. You have to present your card and things like this so it's really safe. You can walk around even at night. Singapore in general is really safe. At night, as a woman, it feels great to be able to walk around Singapore in the middle of the night around 1:00 to 3:00 a.m. and nobody is gonna come up to you and ask weird questions you know. Because it's really close to the University and they know that a lot of students and families live here they're really careful about everything security related.
Laure Amouyal
4th year student, Global Business Track
EDHEC International BBA
After a recruitment process, I'm now part of the peer helping program. So it's a program run by the well-being centre of NTU, and basically it helps give students resources for their mental health. We create events, there is also a cosy hub here on campus where people can relax, there is massage chair, there are books also related to mental health and like advice on how to feel better when you're stressed during exams. It's actually very fulfilling to be able to help students that need a resource like that, we can give them the number of a counsellor or just give them advice or just talk to them. I will be with 25 Singaporean students and local students and I hope I will create friendships during this time and I think it's going to be a good experience for me on campus.
Philippine Robert
4th year student, Global Business Track
EDHEC International BBA
It's really exciting. Keeping the excitement even when moving to the second, third, fourth country, it's always a new experience. You're gonna meet so many incredible people. Avoid staying with only the French people from your class, and go see the world, meet people, talk to everyone in the street. It's only French people that don't want to talk to anyone, but in other countries people are so excited to hear about politics, science whatever you can talk about. By meeting new people, joining clubs, associations… It's really one of the best ways to learn about the country you stay in. So that would be the main piece of advice I would give. I joined the NTU tennis team, I was in the UCLA Tennis Club when I was in Los Angeles, and it was I think what allowed me to have such an amazing American life campus experience: joining a club, being involved in a team with really really strong team spirit, lots of travel all around the U.S. which was amazing so I decided to do the same here. I joined the NTU tennis team and people are amazing, I mean we hang out a lot, we gather outside of practice and I was able to meet so many people that I would probably never have met outside of this environment. I have been playing tennis for a long time so I knew I’d love this activity, but being able to meet new people thanks to that was great.
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) est l'une des universités les plus importantes et les plus dynamiques d'Asie. Elle accueille plus de 8 000 étudiants internationaux qui y apprennent les spécificités du monde asiatique des affaires. Le campus de NTU figure fréquemment parmi les 15 plus beaux campus universitaires du monde.

(QS World University Ranking 2020)
(QS Asian University Ranking)
Cours obligatoires
- Strategic Human Resources Management
- Market Intelligence
- Digital Marketing
- International Finance
- Future Technologies
3 électifs à choisir parmi
- Service Operations Management
- Economics of Emerging Markets
- Business Analytics
- Strategic Management
- Corporate Finance
- Channel Value Creation
- Wealth Management
Projets et activités
- Orientation week and Graduation Days at NTU and EDHEC Singapore campus
- Career Week: meet companies for final internships and job hires
- Pitching sessions in collaboration with EDHEC Career Centre
- Career coaching: CV revisions and interview updates for the Asian market
- Advice on Singapore visas like Work Holiday Pass (WHP) for internships
- Company Treks: tours to Schneider Electric, LinkedIn, Bollore Hub, Louis Vuitton, etc.
- Alumni activities: networking events and career mentorship advice
At Nanyang Business School, EDHEC students will interact with world-class faculty on a daily basis. Faculty members teaching on the program have won many awards for the quality of their teaching. They also have extensive research and consulting experience in a variety of industries. This makes them well suited to help EDHEC students with the next stage of their career. In Singapore, students will also get exposure to one of the most dynamic global cities in the world, at the heart of East-West culture and business. We look forward to welcoming EDHEC students on the beautiful campus of NTU in Singapore.

Julien CAYLA
Programme Director, International Management Certificate, Nanyang Technological University
Faire le choix du Global Business pour se lancer dans une carrière internationale
Au cours de leurs années d'études, les étudiants du parcours Global Business ont l'opportunité d'étudier au sein de 3 institutions de renom situées au coeur de campus d'exception.
En plus de l'excellence académique qui leur permet d'étudier les enjeux liés à la globalisation des marchés, ils acquièrent une expérience professionnelle en réalisant des stages tout au long de leur cursus, en France et à l'étranger. Cette formation en immersion sur trois continents leur permet de développer leur capacité d'adaptation, les rendant ainsi compétitifs dès leur entrée sur le monde du travail.
Découvrez le témoignage de Bethel Mubiru
Bethel a été diplômée en 2023 du parcours Global Business de l'EDHEC International BBA. Dans cet entretien, elle est accompagnée d'Alessia Di Domenico, Directrice du programme EDHEC International BBA. Elles évoquent ensemble l'expérience internationale et professionnelle des étudiants, mais aussi les opportunités de poursuite d'étude et l'entrepreneuriat.
Découvrez les témoignages de nos étudiants à UCLA Extension
À UCLA Extension, les étudiants EDHEC suivent les cours avec d’autres étudiants internationaux. Les professeurs ont tous une expérience professionnelle qui permet un apprentissage très concret grâce à des cas pratiques étudiés en classe. Ils bénéficient de l’ensemble des infrastructures du campus de UCLA, à Los Angeles.
Coming from Hong Kong, I knew from the start that I wanted to travel during my studies. In Singapore, our professors have an incredible background, and it is an honour to learn from their expertise. Our digital marketing professor, Prof. Vijay Sethi, has been elected best professor in the world in 2013 (The Economist). His pedagogy is outstanding and he really knows how to captivate the entire class. My International Finance professor, Dr Siriwan Chutikamoltham, has a lot of professional experience in Finance, she holds a PhD from Harvard, USA. She is always ready to take extra time to help if we have questions. Our Cultural Intelligence professor, Dr Hoo Hui Teng, pushes us out of our comfort zone. It is a very active class. At the end of this year, I hope to gain extensive knowledge about the specificities of the Asian market.

EDHEC International BBA, 2020 Nanyang Business School (NTU), Singapour
If you sit in my classroom for three hours and I don’t stretch you or give you a slightly different perspective, then I failed as a teacher. My teaching style is all discussion-oriented, I teach only through case studies mainly, the students have to go out and research industries and they do presentations in the class. EDHEC students have been absolutely wonderful in that particular part.

Professor of Digital marketing at NTU, “World’s best business professor" by The Economist in 2013
As a Norwegian student coming to study in the US, I really wanted to meet American students and live the real American University life. I decided to join a sorority: Alpha Phi which is typical American organization. We had a lot of different social events in collaboration with other student run organizations but also a philanthropy and different networking opportunities.

Tina Biehler
EDHEC International BBA, 2021
It gives students the analytical frameworks and tools to help them tackle the global social and
environmental challenges we face. We have many international students from Brazil, Taiwan, Japan, Germany, Belgium and all over the world. It’s an amazing opportunity to engage in a rich dialogue on critical topics.

Nurit Katz
UCLA’s first Chief Sustainability Officer. “Principles of Sustainability I” one of the “10 Best Classes in L.A.” by L.A. Weekly magazine
Votre projet professionnel
Au cours de leurs 4 années d'études, les étudiants ont l'obligation d'effectuer 3 stages afin d'obtenir leur diplôme.
- Stage de première année : les étudiants doivent réaliser un stage en France ou à l'étranger d'une durée de 1 à 3 mois.
- Stage de troisième année : en partenariat avec UCLA Extension, les étudiants doivent réaliser un stage de 6 mois.
- Stage de quatrième année : les étudiants doivent réaliser un stage de 6 mois.
Au cours de leur cursus, les étudiants sont accompagnés par notre service carrière afin des les aider dans leur recherche de stages et la construction de leur projet professionnel.
Consultez notre page dédiée à la professionnalisation et découvrez comment nous accompagnons nos étudiants
Admission et frais
Conditions d'admission
Le parcours Global Business est accessible sur Parcoursup pour les candidats ou détenteurs du baccalauréat français et sur dossier pour les candidats internationaux. Les places pour le parcours Global Business sont limitées.
Frais de dossier
Les frais relatifs au dépôt d'une demande d'inscription sont de 100€ pour les non-boursiers et de 50€ pour les boursiers.
Frais de scolarité
Parcours Global Business : 23 050€/an*
* Si paiement en intégralité en 1 fois, escompte déjà déduit. Frais applicables pour l'ensemble de la scolarité et avant l'application de bourses éventuelles. Les frais de scolarité sont valables pour l'année académique 2025-2026 et sont susceptibles d'évoluer.

Le Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA), est un diplôme reconnu pour sa dimension internationale, qui s’adresse aux étudiants titulaires d’un baccalauréat ou d’un bac+2. Ils confèrent aux étudiants un équilibre entre spécialisation académique, spécialisation métier, expérience internationale et expérience professionnelle.
Pour qu’un diplôme bachelor soit reconnu par l’État, il faut que le ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche lui attribue un visa. Le bachelor de l’EDHEC Business School est reconnu et visé par l’État. Cette accréditation vient valider la qualité académique et la sélectivité de son programme postbac.
Le programme l'EDHEC International BBA a été élu meilleur programme post-bac par l'Étudiant en 2021. Créé en 1988, le programme répond pleinement aux critères d’exigence de l’EDHEC Business School Fort de ses différents parcours en français et en anglais, ce bachelor offre aux étudiants un équilibre entre spécialisation académique, spécialisation métier, expérience internationale et expérience professionnelle.
Après 4 ans d’études, les étudiants de l’EDHEC International BBA obtiennent un Bachelor in Business Administration visé et reconnu par l’État, en France et à l’International. Ils peuvent ensuite poursuivre leurs études en Master en France ou à l’étranger. Les diplômés de l’EDHEC International BBA bénéficient de conditions avantageuses pour rejoindre les programmes Master de l’EDHEC Business School.
Entièrement enseigné en anglais, le parcours Global Business permet aux étudiants d'étudier sur trois continents, au sein de 3 prestigieuses universités. Il et s’adresse aux étudiants qui recherchent une formation à forte dimension internationale. À l’issue de leurs 4 années d’études, les étudiants recevront - outre leur diplôme EDHEC International BBA - un certificat de la part des écoles partenaires.
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- <separator>
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