Etienne Denis

Assistant Professor

MSc in Marketing Analytics Director, Management in Innovative Health Chair Research Associate

Main contributions

Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (2020)

Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing
Expertise: Marketing practices for the nonprofit sector


Etienne Denis is an Assistant Professor at the EDHEC Business School since 2018. Between 2014 and 2018 he was a teaching assistant at the Louvain School of Management, in Belgium, where he completed his doctoral dissertation on role of self-interest in the adoption of prosocial behaviors. His current interests are in consumer research, nonprofit marketing and prosocial behaviors.

Publications of Etienne Denis

30.11.2023 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

Trust me, I am famous: legitimating attractive celebrities as credible endorsers for charitable organisations

Leclercq Thomas, Etienne Denis, Hoornaert Steven

Journal of Marketing Management, Volume 40, November 2023, Pages 102 - 128

22.05.2022 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

Tell me why or tell me to whom: Framing charitable solicitations based on political orientation

Etienne Denis, Leclercq Thomas, Ritondo Rafael

Recherche et Application en Marketing, February 2022, Pages 1 - 55

13.03.2020 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

When Public Recognition Inhibits Prosocial Behavior: The Case of Charitable Giving

Etienne Denis, Warlop Luk

Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Volume 49, September 2020, Pages 951 - 968

05.12.2017 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

Segmenting the Belgian charitable sector: The impact of environmental factors on households' generosity

Etienne Denis, Decrop Alain

International Journal of NonProfit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, Volume 23, August 2018, Pages 1 - 9