Fabien Nugier

EDHEC Infra and Private Assets Research Institute Senior Research Engineer

Main contributions

Discipline: Climate Finance
Faculty: Data Science, Economics & Finance
Expertise: ESG Finance, Transition Risk Modelling, Physical Risk Modelling, Climate Finance, Data Science, Machine Learning, Geospatial Analysis, Traffic Data, Big Data, Portfolio Footprint, Carbon Price.


Fabien is a research engineer in the ‘Green infra’ research team at EDHECinfra. His primary background is in physics and data science. He researched for more than eight years; applying his knowledge in simulations, data analysis, and theoretical modelling. With his experience in academic research, he then transitioned into Finance. Prior to joining EDHEC Infra, he worked as a Quantitative Researcher & Developer at ADIA, whereby he contributed to investment analyses and data science tools.

Fabien graduated from the University Paris-Saclay and Ecole Normale Supérieure in 2010, with an MSc in Theoretical Physics. Following that, he continued his studies and graduated in 2013 with a Ph.D. in Cosmology from the University Pierre et Marie Curie (now known as Sorbonne University).

Publications of Fabien Nugier

01.12.2022 - EDHEC publication

Carbon Footprints and Financial Performance of Transport Infrastructures: the Case of Airports

Fabien Nugier, Darwin Marcelo, Frédéric Blanc-Brude

EDHEC-Infra, EDHECInfra Paper, December 2022

01.06.2022 - EDHEC publication

Measuring the carbon emissions of infrastructure assets: the case of airports and beyond

Fabien Nugier, Darwin Marcelo, Amanda Wee

EDHEC-Infra, EDHECInfra Research Insights, June 2022

21.03.2022 - EDHEC publication

The cost of international sanctions to investors in Russia’s airports

Frédéric Blanc-Brude, Abhishek Gupta, Jack Lee, Fabien Nugier, Tim Whittaker

EDHEC-Infra, EDHECInfra Paper, March 2022