Fabien Nugier
EDHECinfra Senior Research Engineer
Main contributions
Fabien Nugier is a Senior Research Engineer focusing on ESG impacts and risks on infrastructure assets. His experience covers several fields in theoretical research, computer simulations and quantitative analysis. He holds a Master in theoretical physics from the Ecole Normale Supérieure and a PhD in cosmology from the University Pierre et Marie Curie (now Sorbonne Université).
Publications of Fabien Nugier
Carbon Footprints and Financial Performance of Transport Infrastructures: the Case of Airports
EDHEC-Infra, EDHECInfra Paper, December 2022
Measuring the carbon emissions of infrastructure assets: the case of airports and beyond
EDHEC-Infra, EDHECInfra Research Insights, June 2022
The costs of international sanctions to investors in Russia’s airports
EDHEC-Infra, EDHECInfra Research Insights, June 2022
The cost of international sanctions to investors in Russia’s airports
EDHEC-Infra, EDHECInfra Paper, March 2022