Master in Finance programmes

EDHEC’s internationally renowned Masters in finance in France prepare you for a successful career in international finance.

Which Master in Finance is right for you?


EDHEC’s Masters in Finance programmes are designed specifically for graduates in numerous disciplines who want to pursue a career in international finance, including green finance, which offers solutions to the challenges of climate change. You can study for an MSc as part of your Master in Management dual degree programme or choose from one of our five Master’s in Finance degrees.


Masters in Finance Worldwide

Financial Times 2023

Career Services & Alumni network in France

Master in Management ranking - Financial Times 2023

European Business School

Financial Times 2023


Masters of Science (MSc) in Finance


EDHEC’s MSc in Finance programmes provide you with cutting-edge expertise in specific aspects of ​​finance. Whether you want to work in a large company, a bank, the financial markets or a consulting firm, we have the MSc in Finance to suit you.


MSc in Climate Change & Sustainable Finance

The MSc in Climate Change & Sustainable Finance is a double degree programme conducted in cooperation with Mines Paris - PSL. It will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to ensure that the financial industry can provide long-term support to meet environmental needs.

The MSc in Climate Change & Sustainable Finance is a double degree programme conducted in cooperation with Mines Paris - PSL. It will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to ensure that the financial industry can provide long-term support to meet environmental needs.

Start date
Early September 2024
Application deadline
Closed for the 2024 intake
Nice and Sophia-Antipolis
September–May: on-campus academic courses* /June onwards: work experience
Credit value
120 ects
MSc in Accounting & Finance

The MSc in Accounting & Finance is an advanced programme designed to give you the foundational tools and skills you need to embark on a career in the field of finance or advisory services.

The MSc in Accounting & Finance is an advanced programme designed to give you the foundational tools and skills you need to embark on a career in the field of finance or advisory services.

Start date
Early September 2024
Application deadline
Closed for the 2024 intake
September–May: on-campus academic courses* /June onwards: work experience
Credit value
120 ects
MSc in Corporate Finance & Banking

Aimed at students with a background in finance, the MSc in Corporate Finance & Banking will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to pursue a career in corporate finance or investment banking.

Aimed at students with a background in finance, the MSc in Corporate Finance & Banking will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to pursue a career in corporate finance or investment banking.

Start date
Early September 2024
Application deadline
Closed for the 2024 intake
September–May: on-campus academic courses* /June onwards: work experience
Credit value
120 ects
MSc in Financial Engineering

If you have a quantitative background or prior training in finance and seek an international career in financial engineering in one of the top 10 Masters in Finance WW (FT 2023), this programme is for you.

If you have a quantitative background or prior training in finance and seek an international career in financial engineering in one of the top 10 Masters in Finance WW (FT 2023), this programme is for you.

Start date
Early September 2024
Application deadline
Closed for the 2024 intake
September–May: on-campus academic courses* /June onwards: work experience
Credit value
120 ects
MSc in International Finance

Aimed at students from a numerate discipline, such as accounting, science or engineering, the MSc in International Finance is designed in partnership with the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) programme.

Aimed at students from a numerate discipline, such as accounting, science or engineering, the MSc in International Finance is designed in partnership with the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) programme.

Start date
Early September 2024
Application deadline
Closed for the 2024 intake
September–May: on-campus academic courses* /June onwards: work experience
Credit value
120 ects

*Depending on your background, you may be required to take some remote and self-paced courses in July-August prior to arriving on campus.

Immerse yourself in a unique Finance Ecosystem

[Michelle Sisto - Associate Dean for Graduate Studies]

EDHEC made the choice about 20 years ago to really focus our financial industry and our financial programmes here on our Nice campus.

So our EDHEC Risk Institute is housed here. Our EDHEC Risk Climate Impact Institute is housed here in Nice. Our Career Centre oriented to finance is here and our masters in finance programmes as well as our PhD programme are also housed here.

So we have a really strong ecosystem of a multitude of actors working in the financial industry and academia based here on our campus.

Anyone who joins EDHEC, part of our selection process is we expect them to be an active, proactive member of our community. Not just today, but long term, particularly in finance.

We want students who will come and join us who are ready to challenge themselves, who are ready to challenge the current practices that are going on in the industry and ready to learn and be creative, looking for new ways of changing the industry in a positive way. That's part of our ethos - make an impact. We could add an adjective and say make a positive impact.

So the specialisations that we've chosen are really in line with where we see the industry moving. We want our students to be industry ready at graduation. So, they can choose amongst a wide portfolio of specialisations, accounting and finance, financial engineering with a very strong impetus on data science, on private equity, on decentralised finance, all areas where the industry is moving.

We also have a large number of students who are interested in corporate finance. That remains a very big field.

And just recently we've chosen a new specialisation, it’s a double degree that we developed with the MINES Paris PSL on climate change and sustainable finance.

[Chloé Lévy - Finance Career Centre Manager]

In terms of events, the Career Centre organises more than 60 events per year.

Some of them are generalists, like the forum held in Paris with more than 100 companies. Some of them are more specialised to master's students in finance. It could be workshops, company presentations, or recruitment events. On top of that, there are job dating events twice a year,

audit days, finance recruitment days, where recruiters come on campus to meet, interview and recruit our students. And students have the opportunity to participate in treks we organise in London, Paris and Luxembourg. 

Our graduates are very successful with their placement. Actually, more than half of them already signed a contract before their graduation. Some of our top recruiters are Bank of America, Barclays, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, to name just a few.

One of our strongest assets of the career centre is that we provide students with individual meetings, individual coaching. We try to consider the long-term perspective and we set together a real proper strategy for each student. You're not just a number, right?

You're part of a community. You have individual needs, individual expectations. That's why you have to benefit from individual advice and coaching.

Hi everybody, I'm Neeti and I'm from India

and I'm studying the MSc in Climate Change & Sustainable Finance here at EDHEC So I did attend a lot of the [networking sessions] I think attended Macquarie, Moody's... yesterday I attended STX Group...They all had a huge focus on sustainability which was very insightful and gave me a lot of new ideas about where I could apply and where it would be a perfect fit for me.

So Green Finance is now a a huge part of the industry where as investment managers, portfolio managers you have the power to move a lot of funds away from industries that are harmful to the climate and push industries to actually change their business model so that they are more sustainable. So I want to gain some experience in portfolio management on the sustainability side and start a fund of my own, I could cater to clients who fought passionately about climate change and want to actually make a difference with their money. A lot of women are now moving to the board, to top positions in companies bringing their very innovative and different solutions and perspectives so I think we do have a long way to go but we are getting there. I think it has been a great experience. 

It has been very insightful in understanding the different kinds of opportunities that are being made available to students and I'm actually very grateful that I've been given this opportunity to interact with all the companies I think it's a great takeaway and will help with my future career path.

Why should you choose a Master in Finance?

Are you still wondering if you should join a Master in Finance? Let us clear up your doubts and show you why it is one of the best choices for your studies.

Finance is an exciting sector with a lot to learn. By choosing a Master in Finance, you have the opportunity to gain some of the most advanced skills in the field. You can also specialise in an area of particular interest to you.

Here are some of the skills that you can learn through a Master:

  • Sustainable finance: you will learn how to take into account environmental and social issues in your daily activities to have a positive impact on the world.
  • Financial engineering: you will learn to use mathematical models, engineering, programming and financial theory to solve problems and create new products.
  • Quantitative finance: you will discover how to analyse large amounts of data to assess investment opportunities. With such a Master or MSc, you will access the top positions in the financial sector.

Finance professionals are sought after by all types of organisations, and you will find it easier to access senior roles in the sector. Choosing a Master or an MSc in Finance will give you the skills you need to access positions such as:

  • Financial Analyst
  • Wealth Manager
  • M&A Analyst
  • Climate Risk Manager
  • Private Equity Analyst
  • Structured Finance Analyst

A Master or MSc in Finance will accelerate your career, giving you more opportunities for promotion and access to some of the best salaries in the sector. There are many ways you can specialise depending on the programme you choose. Before you apply, consider all your options and career prospects and make the choice that suits your personality, curriculum and goals.

By continuing your studies with a Master, you will also have the opportunity to come into contact with several professionals. Your classes will be taught by specialists, you will meet new people during your internship and you will have many more opportunities to develop your professional network.

Other students will also be part of your network. You will make new friends during your Master, and you will stay in touch with them. In the future, they may become business partners, collaborators or help you find your next job. Networking is one of the best ways to open up opportunities.

If you want to start an international career, pursuing a Master or an MSc in Finance is an important step. Such an advanced degree will give you a global perspective on finance at an international level. If you want a strong focus about it, you can even choose a programme that specialises in international finance. As you can see above, doing your Master in Finance in Nice is a great choice.

Studying abroad is essential for starting your international career, as it shows your willingness to go outside your comfort zone and your ability to adapt to another culture. Doing your internship outside of France will further demonstrate your adaptability and motivation.

A Master in Finance will help you both professionally and personally.

In order to work in the financial sector, you need to develop certain soft skills that are really useful in your everyday life. For example, you will develop your critical thinking, which is an important quality for navigating through the vast amount of information you encounter on a daily basis. You will learn to communicate through group projects.

The programme will make you aware of environmental and ethical issues and you will be better equipped to act in your personal life to build a better world. Completing a Master programme in Finance will also help you build your confidence and your time management skills. And of course, advanced financial skills will be useful in managing your personal finances. You will be able to make good investment decisions and choose the best retirement plans.

A Master will be more than an educational programme, it will also be an experience that will make you grow as a person.

Why should you pursue your Master in Finance in Nice, France?

Pursuing a Master in Finance in France offers some of the best conditions to succeed. The country has one of the largest economies in the world and its incredible history, culture, cuisine and cities are perfect for international students looking for a formative and culturally enriching experience. Among French cities, Nice is one of the best to pursue your master of finance. Here are the top reasons why.

A perfect city to learn finance

Nice is home to many companies in a wide range of sectors. Tourism is of course one of the most important, but Nice is also famous for Sophia Antipolis, its technology park located in the north of the city, in Antibes. Here, you can work for companies specialising in computing, biotechnology, electronics etc.


Companies of all kinds need financial specialists, and the dynamic local economy will provide plenty of opportunities. And, of course, there are many accountancy firms, banks and other financial services companies in the city, where you can learn from experienced professionals while you study.


Interested in studying in more than one country? Thanks to its airport, Nice is within easy reach of some of the major financial centres in Western Europe, such as Paris, London, Zurich, Luxembourg, Geneva, etc. This is the perfect opportunity to gain your first professional experience through an internship with a major company.


Enjoy a great student life at the heart of the French riviera

Nice is an incredible city for your international studies. First, it is located in the south of France, on the Mediterranean Sea. The climate is warm and sunny. When you are not studying, you can have a great time exploring the streets of this colourful city and its heritage. And, of course, you can go to the beach, right next to the city centre, in front of the Promenade des Anglais.


Discover the local culture by exploring the city's many landmarks and famous museums. Enjoy Castle Hill (and the incredible view from the top), the Russian Orthodox Cathedral, the Vigier Park, the Museum of Modern and the Contemporary Art of Nice or the Asian Arts Museum. Don't miss the Nice Carnival, one of the most famous in France! The city also has a vibrant nightlife. Take some time to relax and have a drink with your friends or meet in a restaurant to enjoy the finest food.

Pursuing your Master in Finance in Nice is the best way to enjoy a great quality of life while studying at a prestigious international school!


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