Laurent Deville

Associate Professor

Financial Economics Track Director

Main contributions

Revue Française de Gestion (2019), Finance (2019), Gérer & Comprendre (2015), Bankers, Markets & Investors (2013), European Financial Management (2014), Review of Finance (2007), Banque & Marchés (2003 ; 2007)

Discipline: Finance
Faculty: Data Science, Economics & Finance
Expertise: Derivatives asset management, Trading


Laurent Deville, PhD, is Associate Professor at EDHEC Business School (on leave from CNRS, the French National Center for Scientific Research) and Director of the Financial Economics Track. His research is devoted to the analysis of index derivatives and Exchange Traded Funds with a focus on market efficiency, liquidity and competition. One primary reason for the success of ETF is liquidity, but the way it is provided has not received much attention in research. Laurent Deville investigates the conjecture that the ETF specific structure implies that (il)liquidity on primary assets should be passed on the ETF market itself both theoretically and empirically. He also studies the creation and development of ETF markets from a sociological viewpoint.. He has published articles in several international peer-reviewed journals. He has taught master level classes Options, Futures and other Derivatives, Fundamentals of Trading or Advanced Excel and VBA programming at EDHEC Business School, Derivatives in asset management at Université Paris Dauphine (France), Theory of Finance at HEC School of Business (France) and CIIA® program Derivative Valuation and Analysis in Tunis (Tunisia).

Publications of Laurent Deville

03.12.2021 - Book publication

Options, futures et autres actifs dérivés. Corrigés

John Hull, Patrick Roger, Christophe Hénot<br />, Laurent Deville

Pearson, December 2021

06.03.2020 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

Innovation financière et recherche en finance : le cas des Exchange-Traded Funds

Laurent Deville, Riva Fabrice

Revue Française de Gestion, Volume 285, December 2019, Pages 101 - 118

07.11.2019 - Book publication

The Making of Finance: perspectives from the social sciences

Laurent Deville

November 2019

17.06.2019 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

Liquidity Provision in ETF markets: The basket and beyond

Laurent Deville, Riva Fabrice, Calamia Anna

Finance, Volume 40, June 2019, Pages 53 - 85

24.09.2018 - Chapter publication

Sources of risks in financial innovation: Embedded and additional risks in Exchange Traded funds (ETFs)

Laurent Deville, Oubenal Mohamed

Routledge, September 2018, Pages 101 - 113