
Donor of the month: Laurian DOUIN, Master EDHEC 1998, Gold Circle Donor

I am very happy to join the EDHEC donor community. It was important for me to participate in the development of my school, not only in terms of image but also in financial terms, by supporting the…
Reading time :
21 Jan 2021

I am very happy to join the EDHEC donor community.
It was important for me to participate in the development of my school, not only in terms of image but also in financial terms, by supporting the EDHEC Foundation. The various projects supported by the Foundation, whether for pedagogical research or financial assistance to students, help EDHEC continue to grow in quality, diversity and reputation.
It is natural and rewarding for me, more than 22 years after leaving school, to support this project and to give back to EDHEC some of what it has given me.

Laurian DOUIN, Master EDHEC 1998
Gold Circle Donor
Managing Director, Real Estate – BC PARTNERS

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