EDHEC Business School marks its engagement by signing the diversity charter
EDHEC Business School is a signatory to the Diversity Charter and is accelerating its commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion in the regions where it operates. Since being launched, this…

EDHEC Business School is a signatory to the Diversity Charter and is accelerating its commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion in the regions where it operates. Since being launched, this emblematic charter encourages businesses to ensure they promote and respect diversity amongst their workforce.
For its eighth edition, the Tour de France de la Diversité stopped in Nice on 21 January in digital format. In the presence of Patrick Valma, Sub-Prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes area, Elisabeth Fuchs, Regional Director of Entreprises pour la Cité, hosted an online event, presented the new signatories of the Charter and awarded various prizes - the Overall Diversity Prize, the Handicap Policy Prize, the Diversity and Professional Equality Prize – to the most outstanding companies.
During the occasion, EDHEC Business School signed the Diversity Charter alongside Crédit Agricole Provence Côte d’Azur.
“We are delighted to welcome EDHEC Business School among the new signatories of the Diversity Charter today. This commitment is a tangible manifestation of our years of work together and, through the contributions of EDHEC staff and students, will enable us to further amplify our partnership and the impact of the actions conducted throughout our regions”,
declares Elisabeth Fuchs, Regional Director of Entreprises pour la Cité, in charge of running the Diversity Charter in the South of France region.
EDHEC, an engaged player fostering respect for individual differences
Anne Zuccarelli, EDHEC Business School’s Student Experience Director, took the floor during the event to explain the reasons for EDHEC’s engagement with diversity. In doing so, she reiterated the importance this value has held for many years, both in the School’s teaching and academic projects and in its overall strategy.
“The issues of diversity and inclusion are central to EDHEC’s ambitions and our new strategic plan. For several years, we have been tangibly engaged in fostering and supporting diversity, whether in terms of gender, nationality or social background. To make sure this value is genuinely embodied on our campuses and enriches the experience of our students and staff, we undertake numerous actions via training, research such as our Open Leadership for Diversity & Inclusion Chair, our Equal Opportunities initiative and our student associations, all in conjunction with the full set of EDHEC’s stakeholders”,
underlines Anne Zuccarelli, Student Experience Director at EDHEC Business School.
The Diversity Charter movement currently counts 4,100 signatory companies, 80% of which are SMEs, and embraces 23 European countries.
Since 2004, 15 networks have been working alongside Entreprises pour la Cité to extend their commitment to diversity throughout France: AFIP, AFMD, ANCT, ANDRH, the ICC France network, CJD, Club des 1,000, CPME, CREPI, FACE, Fondation Mozaik, Halte Discriminations, MEDEF, Union des Entreprises de Proximité, UDES.
More info: charte-diversite.com