Grand oral of Campus Channel: build a tailor-made professional project with the Business Management track

Bernard Curzi, Director at EDHEC International BBA and Léa Fédida, 2021 alumni, talk about the Business Management track. 

Reading time :
14 Dec 2022
Campus Channel Business Management

Bernard Curzi, Director at EDHEC International BBA and Léa Fédida, 2021 alumni, talk about the undergraduate degree of EDHEC Business School. Between specialisation in Digital Business, the pursuit of studies with a Master of Science in Data Analytics, internships and an exchange at Pace University in New York City, she was able to build a tailor-made professional project.

The Business Management track is made for students that are looking for a balance between academic specialisation, international experiences and professional experiences. To know more about the Business Management, click here.

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