Help Refugees: Global MBA fundraising campaign in support of UNHCR

Dear EDHEC Global MBA Community, More than 4 million people have had to flee Ukraine to neighbouring countries, including Poland and Moldova, and several hundred thousand are displaced within Ukraine…
Reading time :
6 Apr 2022

Dear EDHEC Global MBA Community,  

More than 4 million people have had to flee Ukraine to neighbouring countries, including Poland and Moldova, and several hundred thousand are displaced within Ukraine: this is a major displacement crisis and the numbers continue to grow.   

The situation calls upon us all to take action now. No matter how small each action is, we are stronger together as a connected community.  This is why we are starting a fundraising campaign in support of UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. UNHCR is present in Ukraine and the region, and they are already providing emergency shelter and relief items to people forced to flee.   

Intervention focus: 

  • Protection
  • Shelter – Vital support
  • Basic needs
  • Provision of core relief items
  • Cash assistance 

Please give now and encourage others in your network to give (through email, social channels, and word-of-mouth). Together, we are convinced we can raise over 2000€ which will make an impact by saving lives and protecting people in need.   

Donate today, engage your network, share our link to make an impact:    

Copyright UNHCRUNHCR works hard to help, leading a coordinated effort across the region. Together with our partners, aid organizations and host governments, we offer a lifeline to those in need. Understanding that life is harder than ever for all displaced citizens and refugees from conflicts all over the globe, UNHCR is also committed to helping them navigate the devastating impacts of decades of displacement, the pandemic, and increasing poverty. Every day is an emergency for these people. 

If you would instead like to donate to UNHCR’s global efforts, please donate here:

Many thanks for any help you can give, 

Global MBA Team, MBA Social Impact and Marketing Clubs 

Photo Credit: UNHCR

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