EDHEC Business School has signed a double-degree partnership agreement with EURECOM, a Sophia Antipolis-based engineering school specialising in the digital sciences and a member of the Mines…

EDHEC Business School has signed a double-degree partnership agreement with EURECOM, a Sophia Antipolis-based engineering school specialising in the digital sciences and a member of the Mines-Telecoms network.
A dual curriculum will enable students on EDHEC's Grande Ecole programme and EURECOM engineering students to develop complementary knowledge and skills in the fields of finance for EURECOM students and the Internet of Things for EDHEC students.
The Internet of Things is a new phase in the digital revolution. Its growing influence, which is revolutionising many business sectors ‒ industry, transport and energy, for instance ‒ will require future managers with a high level of knowledge and expertise to master its challenges.
"The business world requires perfect mastery of new technologies and their challenges. The managers of tomorrow, whatever their sectors and professions, will have to integrate the technologies of the future into exercising their responsibilities. We are delighted to partner with EURECOM, an engineering school recognised in the digital sector, to create a double degree that combines innovation and excellence.”explains Emmanuel Métais, Director General of EDHEC Business School.
This programme lies at the heart of EDHEC's strategy to “Impact Future Generations”, which places the acquisition of digital skills and the hybridisation of knowledge at the core of young people's education.
A dual specialisation in management and the Internet of Things
Students of the Business Management or Finance streams of EDHEC's Grande Ecole programme will be able to attend courses in EURECOM Master’s Degree in the Internet of Things and will receive the EURECOM Master's qualification and the EDHEC Master’s in Management without extending their studies.
In addition to acquiring fundamental knowledge of the challenges of the Internet of Things, EDHEC students will have the opportunity to develop skills in innovation, entrepreneurship and project management, and to kick-start their career by completing a semester-long corporate internship. To this end, they will benefit from EDHEC’s and EURECOM’s extensive company networks.
"We are very pleased with this new double degree in association with EDHEC. This collaboration with one of the main management schools is a natural development, as from the outset, EURECOM has offered its engineering students a high-level education that prioritises studying the socio-professional and legal environment in addition to technology. This double degree with EDHEC paves the way for interdisciplinary research activities, for example, in AI and finance, smart sensors, their commercial viability and acceptance in society. The common training of engineers and managers is a wonderful opportunity for both our students and those of EDHEC. This double-degree agreement is the beginning of a collaboration that we want to be effective and to continue long term to the utmost benefit of our respective students."says Ulrich Finger, Director of EURECOM
A dual specialisation in digital sciences and finance
For their part, EURECOM engineering students will attend EDHEC and complete their engineering education by taking one of four EDHEC MSc programmes: Finance, Corporate Finance & Banking, Financial Markets or International Accounting & Finance, thus obtaining an EDHEC MSc in Finance.
Taught 100% in English, these courses will be available to students of both institutions from the beginning of September 2023 and will not involve any additional tuition fees. Selection will be undertaken by the home institution, based on academic prerequisites and candidate motivation.