EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute
Data Science, Economics & Finance
Conferences / Masterclass

Raul Leote De Carvalho (BNP Paribas) - EDHEC Speaker Series

THE  04.04.2023
Conferences / Masterclass
Lieu :
Online (Zoom)
Pays :
Langue :
Temps :
6pm - 7pm

Raul Leote De Carvalho, Deputy Head of the Quantitative Research Group at BNP Paribas, gives a seminar on "Estimating Corporate Carbon Emissions with Machine Learning".

As of 2022, greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions reporting and auditing are not yet compulsory for all companies. We propose a machine learning-based model to estimate scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions of companies not yet reporting them. The model is designed to be transparent, is able to estimate GHG emissions for a large universe of companies and shows good out-of-sample performance. Unlike mainstream approaches, which tend to construct one model for each industry, we construct one single global model that uses industries as a factor. This addresses the problem of lack of breadth or lack of reported data in some industries and generates practical results even for industries where other approaches have failed.

EDHEC discussants are Dominic O'Kane, EDHEC Professor and EDHEC-Risk Climate Scientific Director, and Emmanuel Jurczenko, EDHEC Graduate Finance programmes Director.

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