Leading an international career
Baihe Li, EDHEC MSc in Financial Markets Alumna, is a Senior Analyst at Allianz Investment Management at Munich (Germany). The cum laude 2019 graduate explains why she chose this specialised MSc and what impact it has had on her career.

Why did you choose the MSc in Financial Markets?
The MSc in Financial Markets was the obvious choice for me because EDHEC recruits leading faculties with industry experience, offers a structured programme that combines practical and theoretical knowledge, and has a worldwide Alumni network.
It was really thanks to my internship at a French Asset Manager that I discovered my interest in Asset Management. However, I felt at the time that my knowledge foundation was not solid enough to allow me to successfully start my career in this field so I decided to continue my studies.
EDHEC MSc in Financial Markets provides a structured programme including all the courses that are essential for the sector. Different core modules cover a wide range of topics that are essential to building a career in the financial industry, especially secondary market-related fields.
The embedded FinTech certificate was a plus. The traditional financial industry is facing unprecedented challenges brought by the technical innovation and therefore challenges every individual in the sector to adapt. The FinTech course was therefore crucial for me to understand the trend, e.g Big Data, Machine Learning and etc., and acquire in-depth know-how and relevant skills.
How did the MSc in Financial Markets prepare you for your role in Asset Management at Allianz?
These courses not only strengthened my understanding of financial markets but also help me expand the necessary hard and soft skills to perform well in the finance world.
The well-designed FinTech Certificate programme exposed me to cutting-edge techniques, e.g. Big Data and Machine Learning, and enabled me to gain quantitative skills that could be applied in future jobs. Luckily being backed by a leading research engine, EDHEC Risk-Institute, I was privileged to understand the most trend-leading strategies in Asset Management.
What is your biggest accomplishment so far?
It was, I think, leading a team of 6 to successfully organise a campus event (campus version of "The Voice") with an audience of 10,000 students). In order to hold the competition, the process involved negotiations with the site lender/sponsors (fund & equipment). I successfully fundraised 100,000 CNY.
Your best memory of EDHEC?
It is that of working intensively with classmates on multiple projects at the same time. I really enjoyed working with other passionate and talented colleagues which undoubtedly made me progress faster and foster lots of fascinating ideas.
The best part was not only the good working process but also the good time that we spent together on the beach after the projects were done, enjoying the best summer view of Côte d'Azur!
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