Lionel Martellini speaking on the application of GBI to retirement strategies

Lionel Martellini, Professor of Finance, EDHEC Business School and Director, EDHEC-Risk Institute, will be speaking on the application of goal-based investing to retirement strategies at the TrackInsight European Summit in Paris on 7 November, 2018.
The TrackInsight European Summit is an independent, private event organised by FinTech TrackInsight to foster dialogue with clients, partners & friends and to sketch the future of investing in the digital age.
TES2018 is a unique gathering, which aims to capture trends, challenges, innovative ideas and disruptive thinking, while bringing together the movers & shakers of the industry to address the challenges all investment firms are facing in this new era.
Lionel Martellini will be speaking at the event on the theme "New frontiers in retirement goal-based investing". The session will examine the following issues:
- Looming Pension Crisis: The House is on Fire
- Pitfalls of insurance and investment existing solutions
- Improved target date solutions with risk control
You can access the full programme here.
If you want to learn more about EDHEC-Risk research on goal-based investing and more specifically the application of the principles of goal-based investing to the design of a new generation of retirement goal-based investing strategies, which can be regarded as risk-controlled target date funds that strike a balance between safety and performance with respect to the objective of generating replacement income, you can visit our webpage dedicated to EDHEC-Risk Retirement Goal Indices or contact us at [email protected].
Lionel Martellini is a Professor of Finance at EDHEC Business School and the Director of EDHEC-Risk Institute. He is a former member of the faculty at the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, and has also taught at U.C. Berkeley and at Princeton University, where he has been a visiting fellow at the Operations Research and Financial Engineering department. Professor Martellini holds Master’s degrees in management (ESCP Europe), economics and statistics (ENSAE), pure mathematics (Paris 6 University), probability and stochastic processes (Paris 6 University), as well as a PhD in finance from the Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley. Outside of his activities in finance, he recently completed a PhD in Relativistic Astrophysics (University Côte d'Azur) and has become a member of the LIGO/Virgo international collaboration for the observation of gravitational waves. Professor Martellini is a member of the editorial board of The Journal of Portfolio Management, The Journal of Alternative Investments, and The Journal of Retirement. He conducts active research in a broad range of topics related to investment solutions for individual and institutional investors, equity and fixed-income portfolio construction, risk management and derivatives valuation. His work has been published in leading academic and practitioner journals and has been featured in major European and global dailies such as The Economist, The Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal. He has co-authored reference textbooks on topics related to Alternative Investment Strategies, Fixed-Income Securities, Goal-Based Investing and is preparing a new textbook on Investment Solutions. Professor Martellini has served as a consultant for large institutional investors, investments banks and asset management firms on a number of questions related to risk and asset allocation decisions, and is a regular speaker in seminars and conferences on these subjects.