The PhD Programme adds two new alumni

Recently, two PhD candidates successfully defended their theses; their research work provides new insight into the regulation and the banking system stability and into the expected return of Chinese and US stocks in the symbiotic relation between the two countries.
The first thesis entitled "Essays in Banking Sector Stability" is authored by Viadyanathan Krishnamurthy, Chairman of the financial analytics company Quantum Phinance (India). Viadya was advised by Professor Frank J. Fabozzi, EDHEC Business School and his thesis committee also included EDHEC faculty member Abraham Lioui, and Santa Clara University Professor of Finance and Business Analytics Sanjiv R. Das, who served as external reviewer.
The second dissertation entitled "Chimerica and Expected Return of Stocks" is authored by Jasmine Z. Yu, currently Head of Global Manager Research at BNY Mellon Wealth Management (USA). Jasmine was advised by Professor Abraham Lioui, EDHEC Business School and her thesis committee also included EDHEC faculty member Nikolaos Tessaromatis and the external reviewer Professor Cesare Robotti (University of Georgia).
The abstracts of the four papers are available here.