TEDxEDHEC Nice – Momentum!
TEDxEDHECNice is excited to bring the EDHEC community and everyone interested insightful and engaging speakers who will provide the audience with exciting content on the topic of “Momentum!”.
Brought to the EDHEC community by the EDHEC Global MBA Diversity & Social Impact Club, along with the MBA Student Clubhouse, the TEDxEDHECNice will bring together students, faculty, and guests for a stimulating and thought-provoking experience which will be sure to leave the audience with a renewed drive to make a positive impact on our world.
8 speakers with varied profiles - Professors, Managers, Diversity Specialist, Designer - will come to share their vision of a 'Momentum'.
The TEDxEDHEC Nice will take place on April 16th from 9 AM to 12:30 PM, at the Amphitheatre 002 on the Nice Campus.
EDHEC Business School supports this impactful event organised by MBA students, fully in line with EDHEC's 2020-2025 strategic plan.