Ivan Gordeliy

Assistant Professor

Main contributions

Journal of Consumer Research (2022)

Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing
Expertise: <br />
- Word of Mouth:<br />
-- product reviews (deception, helpfulness)<br />
-- e-commerce platforms<br />
-- online forums (engagement and language)<br />
-- social networks (influencers, engagement, consumer feedback)<br />
- Adoption of cashierless stores<br />
- Customer loyalty


Ivan Gordeliy has been an Assistant Professor at EDHEC Business School since 2020. His research focuses on Word-of-mouth and on product reviews. His current interests are in consumer-well-being, in the issues of trust and impact of deceptive behaviors. Ivan employs machine learning and natural language processing techniques to analyze User Generated Content in order to understand how behavior affects language and how language impacts consumers' behavior and perceptions.  

Publications of Ivan Gordeliy

05.12.2023 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

Been There, Done That: How Episodic and Semantic Memory Affects the Language of Authentic and Fictitious Reviews

Ivan Gordeliy, Kronrod Ann, Lee Jeffrey K

Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 50, December 2023, Pages 405 - 425

15.11.2023 - EDHEC publication

(Newsletter #1) Greener, chattier, more connected… How do companies address "new" customers?

Kumar Ranjan Rakesh, Arne De Keyser, Ivan Gordeliy, Martin Wetzels, Ludovic Cailluet, Loick Menvielle, Joëlle Vanhamme, Sabine Ruaud

EDHEC VOX, November 2023

14.11.2023 - EDHEC publication

Navigating the Digital Landscape: The Power and Perils of Online Reviews

Arne De Keyser, Ivan Gordeliy, Martin Wetzels

EDHEC VOX, November 2023

Derniers articles EDHEC Vox


Navigating the Digital Landscape: The Power and Perils of Online Reviews

  • Arne De Keyser , Professor
  • Ivan Gordeliy , Assistant Professor
  • Martin Wetzels , Professor