Rene Rohrbeck
Professor and Foresight, Innovation and Transformation Chair Director
Main contributions
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2022), Asian Development Bank (2020), Technological Forecasting & Social Change (2020), Futures & Foresight Science (2020), Journal of Business Models (2019), Technology Innovation Management Review (2019), R&D Management (2009 ; 2010), Business and Organizational Excellence (2009), Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (2009 ; 2018), Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2011 ; 2012 ; 2013 ; 2015 ; 2017 ; 2018 ; 2020), Futures (2011), International Journal of Technology Management (2013), Journal of Futures Studies (2017)
René Rohrbeck is a Professor of Strategy and director of the chair on Foresight, Innovation and Transformation at the EDHEC Business School, France. He holds a doctorate from the Technical University Berlin. In his main research field Corporate Foresight he is an internationally recognized thought leader and award winner. In his research, he develops methods for participatory foresight, and scenario-based strategizing and conducts regular benchmarking studies on the Future FITness of organizations. René Rohrbeck has developed a portfolio of Executive Education courses on strategic foresight, which he has delivered around the world, both as open programs and customized courses for individual organizations. He teaches Strategy, Strategic Foresight, and Business Model Innovation in different MBA programs.
Publications of Rene Rohrbeck
Meet René Rohrbeck, a Professor of strategy who uses foresight as a lever for impact
EDHEC Chair for Foresight, Innovation & Transformation, EDHEC VOX, September 2024
Leveraging Podcasts as Academic Resources: A Seven-step Methodological Guide
International Journal of Qualitative Methods, Volume online, July 2024, Pages 1 - 13
The future of medicine: what does 50-year forecast look like?
EDHEC Chair for Foresight, Innovation & Transformation, EDHEC VOX, November 2023
Stand-alone or run together: artificial intelligence as an enabler for other technologies
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, Volume 2023, November 2023, Pages 1 - 24
Artificial intelligence - driven sustainable development: Examining organizational, technical, and processing approaches to achieving global goals
Sustainable Development, Volume 32, October 2023, Pages 2253 - 2267
Derniers articles EDHEC Vox
Meet René Rohrbeck, a Professor of strategy who uses foresight as a lever for impact
Rene Rohrbeck , Professor and Foresight, Innovation and Transformation Chair Director
The future of medicine: what does 50-year forecast look like?
Rene Rohrbeck , Professor and Foresight, Innovation and Transformation Chair Director
Ignat Kulkov , Mälardalen University
Circularity, Industrialisation, Digitalisation: The perfect storm to revolutionise the buildings sector?
Rene Rohrbeck , Professor and Foresight, Innovation and Transformation Chair Director