Highlights from EFBC 2017 Quarterly Research Meetings

With its new strategic orientation in 2017, The EDHEC Family Business Centre (EFBC) launched a series of quarterly research meetings intended for EFBC members or affiliates and for external invited…

Reading time :
10 Jan 2018


With its new strategic orientation in 2017, The EDHEC Family Business Centre (EFBC) launched a series of quarterly research meetings intended for EFBC members or affiliates and for external invited speakers, academics or practitioners. In particular, these meetings aim to:

  • Share research progress and pedagogical cases by the EFBC members to seek for feedback and improvements
  • Exchange with invited scholars and foster inter-disciplinary and institutional collaborations
  • Interact with practitioners and family business members to bridge theory with practice.
  • Learn about the latest news and projects of the EFBC members to develop synergies.


The First Quarterly Research Meeting was held in April, 2017.

After introductions and an overview of EFBC strategy and projects, Professor Yan Du, EFBC member, presented her research about the “Disclosure of Firm-Specific Information to the Board of Directors in Privately Held Firms”. Renata Bernandon, EFBC Visiting researcher from Unisinos, Brazil, presented about “Longevity of Family Firms : a literature review and methodological aspects”. 

The Second Quarterly Research Meeting was held in June 2017.

The meeting started with introductions and exchanges about family business research with Professor Nadine Kammerlender, from WHU, Germany, and with Oscar Paez, member of the Board of Directors of Productos Alimenticios El Galpon, a family business based in Colombia. Professor Rania Labaki, EFBC member, presented her research on “Social innovation in the family business” followed by a discussion session.

The Third Quarterly Research Meeting was held in October 2017.

Professor Giorgia D’Allura, visiting Researcher at EFBC from the University of Catania, Sicily, made a presentation on “Service industry, family business and succession: A black hole in management research” followed by discussion. Elie Salameh, EFBC member, presented on “Case writing on family businesses: Lessons and future directions for collaborations” followed by discussion.

The Fourth Quarterly Research Meeting was held in December 2017.         

Professor Lorraine Uhlaner, EFBC member, made a presentation on “Innovation in Family Businesses: Towards an extension of the Mittlestand study to other countries”. 

Djibrilla Moussa Ousseini, EFBC member, presented his work-in-progress in collaboration with Rania Labaki about “Public visibility of the business family and the cost of capital”.

Following the presentations, the participants to the meeting agreed to kick-off a collaborative project on family business innovation. This project is intended to extend the study co-published by Lorraine Uhlaner on innovation in the Mittlestand to French Intermediate Size Enteprises (ETI). Towards the end of the meeting, EFBC members shared updates about their ongoing projects and exchanged about case studies development and students’ engagement on family business issues. Following this meeting, The EDHEC Transdisciplinary research seminar was held with a presentation by Professor Fabian Bernhard, EFBC member, to a multidisciplinary audience of scholars, on “Self-conscious emotions and entrepreneurship:  entrepreneurial behavior, intent, and execution”.


For further information about EDHEC Family Business Centre, contact us: [email protected]

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