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« The Future of Finance »: discover the speakers of the third season

Early 2022, the EDHEC Business School launched a new online monthly speaker series to address the most recent advances in the financial industry and discuss how finance can be a powerful tool for tackling key economic and social challenges. The list of speakers of the 3rd season, which starts in September 2023, is already available and presented here.

Reading time :
1 Sep 2023

So far, the EDHEC Speaker Series “The Future of Finance”, launched and managed by E. Jurczenko (EDHEC), has gathered hundreds of online participants – students, researchers, finance professionals… - around 16 speakers from the best academic and financial institutions. All the replays associated with the two first seasons of this series are available online.


We have gathered an impressive line-up of international industry and academic experts to address the most recent and hottest issues that Finance is currently facing. The diversity of their profiles and the subjects we’ve chosen together - on Climate Investing, Impact & Private Markets, AI and Decentralized Finance - should be of interest to a growing number of participants. I can't wait for this new season to start!”.

Emmanuel Jurczenko, Director of Graduate Finance Programmes


Season 3 is already known as 9 speakers have already agreed to talk on a wide variety of topics:


September 19, 2023

Investing in Adverse and Interesting Time

Antti Ilmanen (AQR Capital Management)

Moderated by Abraham Lioui (EDHEC)


October 10, 2023

Impact Investing

Jules H. van Binsbergen (Wharton University of Pennsylvania)

(tbc) Moderated by Teodor Dyakov (EDHEC)


October 31, 2023

Private Debt Funds

Steven Neil Kaplan (University of Chicago Booth School of Business)

(tbc) Moderated by Enrique Schroth (EDHEC)


November 14, 2023

Sustainable Bond Investing

Laurens Swinkels (Robeco & Erasmus University Rotterdam)

(tbc) Moderated by Teodor Dyakov (EDHEC)


December 5, 2023

Stock Forecasting with ChatGPT/Large Language Models

Alejandro Lopez Lira (University of Florida)

(tbc) Moderated by Dominic O’Kane (EDHEC, EDHEC-Risk Climate)


January 23, 2024

Carbon Pricing

Robert B. Litterman (Kepos Capital)

(tbc) Moderated by Riccardo Rebonato (EDHEC, EDHEC-Risk Climate)


February 6, 2024

Corporate Asset Pricing

Lu Zhang (Ohio State University)

(tbc) Moderated by Hamid Boustanifar (EDHEC)


March 12, 2024

Climate Investing

Thierry Roncalli (Amundi, University of Evry-Paris-Saclay)

(tbc) Moderated by Frédéric Ducoulombier (EDHEC-Risk Climate)


April 9, 2024

The Value Proposition of Decentralized Finance

Tarik Roukny (KU Leuven)

(Moderators to be confirmed)