
"Experience plays a key role in fencing": Aliya Luty, fencer

Tales of sport: a series of testimonies in which EDHEC students – high-level athletes or those engaged in competitive sport – share their passion for their respective sports. They also tell us how their sports activity combines with their studies.

Reading time :
3 Jul 2024

A second-year student at EDHEC International BBA Online, Aliya Luty has been taking part in fencing competitions since the age of 7. She is a three-time world champion in the under-twenties. In this interview, she talks about her daily life as a top-level sportswoman, divided between training and international tournaments.


"I started fencing at the Grenoble club at the age of seven. I practice epee, one of the three weapons of fencing, along with foil and sabre. 

When I was 15, I joined the Pôle France Jeunes at the Centre de ressources, d'expertise et de performance sportives (CREPS) in Bordeaux. I stayed there for three years. During that time, I won several medals at the European and World Under-20 Championships. These victories opened the doors to the Institut national du sport, de l'expertise et de la performance (INSEP). At this institute, we are a group of seven women epeeists. Every day, we have two training sessions, based around fencing lessons, strength training and mental preparation.  

Fencing is a confrontational sport. My energetic temperament is reflected on the piste, where you have to hit your opponent with your sword without being hit. I also like the solemnity of the clothes worn in the fencing room or at tournaments. Our outfit consists of a suit and a mask that conceals our identity. 

Fencing is a long-term activity. Epeeists often achieve their best results around the age of 30. Experience plays a vital role in this sport. "

Aliya Luty divides her time between training at INSEP and her studies:

"Currently in my second year of the BBA, I work mornings and evenings, before and after my training sessions. Distance learning gives me a flexible schedule. Every year, I take part in eight international competitions, some of which are held in China, Colombia and Canada. I've always been committed to my studies. They're like a bubble of air. They also provide me with an academic background when the time comes for me to retire from sporting life."


Discover the other testimonies in the "Tales of Sport" series:

Learning to extend your limits: Arthur Morel, Krav Maga world champion

Giving the best of yourself: Éva Bohnenstengel, French parasport 1,500 metres indoor champion

High-altitude sensations: Chiara Pogneaux, French slalom champion

Committed to a sport and a student association: Alexandre Marchegay, Director of the Raid EDHEC trail run

Harnessing the experience of others: Océane Sercien-Ugolin, international handballer

Cultivating team spirit: Loris Zammaretti, rugby player

Developing a taste for effort: Philémon Rouault, ice hockey player

"Being a top-level athlete means agreeing to repeat the same movement over and over again": Louise Lefebvre, bipalm swimmer


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