EDHEC Junior Etudes

Business Services

EDHEC Junior Études is EDHEC’s consulting specialist. We primarily carry out research on marketing strategy (market surveys, satisfaction surveys, new product launch surveys, communication plans, business plans). We have a diverse roster of clients ranging from large corporations like Véolia, Bouygues and Danone, to SMEs and start-ups. Founded in 1969, EDHEC Junior Etudes is one of the leading junior entreprises (JEs) in terms of experience and quality, and is ISO 9001-certified. Each year, the association conducts over 60 surveys and generates over €250,000 on turnover. Lastly, the association has been investing heavily in ESR for several years and is now considered France’s foremost JE in terms of ESR. This status is notably visible in the association’s OxyJEne ESR fund which was launched last year with the goal of bringing together French JEs for investment sessions geared to financing ESR projects. 



25.07.2024 - EDHEC
"Supporting Yslem for a year has been very rewarding, and this long commitment has enabled us to build a relationship of trust." Alexandre Debeaudoin, tutor on the EDHEC Talents lycées programme
Tutors’ tales: a series of testimonies in which EDHEC Business School students share their experience of providing support through the EDHEC Talents equal opportunities programme.  
24.07.2024 - Entrepreneurs
Champions journey - The combative entrepreneur
Graduating from ISEG Bordeaux, Aurélien Gabdou Baroa's journey began on the basketball court. His passion for the sport never wavered, leading him to found Ball’N Connect in 2020, a startup nurtured by the EDHEC Entrepreneurs incubator network.…