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Seize and Surprise

In the ethymological sense of the word, Entreprendre means "to seize" and "to surprise". "Taking matters into your own hands" and "creating a surprise" therefore appear as injunctions to succeed in this endeavour.

Reading time :
25 Jan 2019

EDHEC's experts and professors share their research and knowledge to nurture initiative. Some of the themes covered in the articles and videos are... "Entrepreneurship:


Understanding what entrepreneurship means

 Entrepreneur : Mythe et Réalité, by Jean-Michel Ledru, EDHEC Entrepreneurs Director


Thinking about your strategy

 Learning to live with Disruption, by Karin Kollenz-Quetard, EDHEC Business School

 Changing the way we strategize by George Tovstiga, EDHEC Business School

 Competing to win by George Tovstiga, EDHEC Business School

 Failing Intelligently by George Tovstiga, EDHEC Business School

♦ The critical ‘when?’ question in strategy by George Tovstiga, EDHEC Business School

 Simple Rules for Innovating by Looking outside your industry by Constantinos Lioukas, EDHEC Business School


Developing your leadership

♦ L'Art du questionnement : pratiquez ! by Sylvie Deffayet-Davrout, EDHEC Business School

 Développer son leadership, c'est faire du ménage dans ses croyances inhibitrices by Sylvie Deffayet-Davrout, EDHEC Business School


Keeping abreast of discoveries in management research

 Les souvenirs d’enfance font vendre…mais différemment selon le sexe de la cible, by Joëlle Vanhamme, EDHEC Business School

 5 tips for assessing negative customer feedback, by Michael Antioco, EDHEC Business School

 Making a difference with customer experience management, by Arne de Keyser, EDHEC Business School


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