Three articles by Carlos-Heitor Campani, PhD (2013), Professor of Finance at COPPEAD Graduate School of Business of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro were recently published:
- “Approximate analytical solutions for consumption/investment problems under recursive utility and finite horizon” with René Garcia, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Volume 48, April 2019, Pages 364-384.
- “Formulation of Brazilian Sugar basis Forecasting using Time Series Models: Comparison between the Northeast and Southeast Spot and Ice Futures Markets” with Felipe Araujo de Oliveira, Márcio Rodrigues Bernardo and Waldemar Antônio da Rocha de Souza, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, ISSN 1450-2887 Issue 172 March, 2019
- “Who Loses and Who Wins with the PEC 287/2016? An Analysis of the Pension Wealth Variation for the Urban Beneficiary of the Brazilian Social Security System” with Fábio Garrido Leal Martins, Brazilian Journal of Public Administration (RAP), Vol. 53, No. 2, 432 - 460, 2019.